
Tuesday, 6 July 2021

 Do you want to continue being able to fish well very soon you will not be able too because we are using our ocean for too many things. This is not okay and we need to do something about this. There are too many boats both commercial and recreational that are spending  way too long on on the water. far too many campsites are being used on our beach fronts affecting our oceans. And along with our government letting other pump their waste out to sea.    

There are way too many boats out on our water and this needs to change starting now. Because of this 18 blue whales 22 humpback whales and 43 fin whales die every year just from boats hitting them. In 2019 a loan there where 613 deaths on boats that's a lot of people and boat wrecks and a lot of rubbish. So next time you go on a boat make sure you have the right gear and don't and don't drive to far.

Theres far too many campers that have been using our beach fronts, affecting our oceans. Our class did a study at one of the beach fronts and we found 267 pieces of rubbish and  7 pegs probably from campers. Last year in Canterbury they found a nice fresh excrement pile near a tree on the Lake Lyndon reserve. toilet paper and other rubbish was common after camper vans stopped at the lake. This also happens at many beach camping places too. We need to make a change in august last year there was a new law instant fines of $200 to       


Friday, 2 July 2021

Production reflection

 At the start I was very nerves to go on stage but in the end it was not that bad. I really enjoyed the production and I loved singing my heart out. Next time im in a school production I am going to try out for a head role in the play. I really loved the day because we got free time all day and it was the first time ive ever stayed at school for ten hours.